Jeepers Creepers 2

Jeepers Creepers 2 2003


حافلة مدرسة ثانوية تتقطع بها السبل وتتوه في الصحراء؛ الحافلة تحتوي على لاعبي فريق كرة السلة ومدربيهم وفرقة التشجيع. يصبح لزامًا عليهم الدفاع عن أنفسهم ضد الوحش الزاحف؛ وهو وحش ضخم يظهر على الأرض كل ثلاثة وعشرين عاما ليتغذى على اللحم البشري. في ذلك الوقت أحد المزارعيْن وابنه يقرران التصدي بنفسيهما لهذا الوحش والتخلص منه.





يعاني المراهق الياباني مياجي ريوتا بعد وفاة شقيقه الأكبر، ويسعى للبحث عن سبب لعيش الحياة خلال رحلته بمدرسته الثانوية، وممارسته لرياضة السلة ضمن الفريق الأساسي هناك.


Remember the Titans

Remember the Titans 2000


التاريخ يكتبه الفائزون. بعد أن قاد فريقه لكرة القدم إلى 15 موسما فائزا ، تم تخفيض رتبة المدرب بيل يوست واستبداله بهيرمان بون - قوي وذو رأي ومختلف عن يوست المحبوب قدر الإمكان. يتعلم الرجلان التغلب على خلافاتهما وتحويل مجموعة من الشباب المعادين إلى أبطال.


17 مرة أخرى

17 مرة أخرى 2009


يتخلى (مايك) النجم الصاعد في مدرسته عن كل أحلامه ليشارك حياته مع صديقته (سكارليت)، ولكن بعد مرور عشرين سنة تقريبًا من ذلك الوقت تصبح حياته كئيبة ومليئة بالمشاكل، إلى أن تفتح أمامه فرصة جديدة عندما يعود بشكل عجيب إلى عمر السابعة عشر، لذا يقرر أن يعود ليجدد أحلامه التي ذهبت في السابق.


High School Musical

High School Musical 2006


في إحدى المدارس الثانوية، يحظى تروي بولتون الرياضي صاحب الشعبية الطاغية، والفتاة الموهوبة جابرييلا مورتيز بأدوار في مسرحية موسيقية تقدمها المدرسة، وتتنامى علاقتهما.


Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars 2023


يدور العمل حول السيرة الذاتية لنجم كرة السلة الشهير ليبرون جيمس، ورحلته مع فريق كرة السلة بالمدرسة الثانوية، وصولًا إلى احترافه للعبة.



O 2001



فيلم سلام دانك الأول

فيلم سلام دانك الأول 1994


قصة الفلم تدور باختصار حول مباراة ساكوراغي هاناميتشي "حسان" الثانية مع فريق مدرسة شوهوكو (الصقور) ضد فريق مدرسة تاكيزونو المشهور بشعبيته الكبيرة بين فتيات المدرسة، وبالتحديد ضد قائدهم "أودا" الذي خطف قلب معشوقة ساكوراغي في الإعدادية


أعظم تحديات شوهوكو!

أعظم تحديات شوهوكو! 1995


تدور أحداث الفلم في الفترة الزمنية التي تلت خسارة شوهوكو من كاينان إثر تمريرة ساكوراغي الأخيرة خطأً إلى لاعب كاينان عوضًا عن أكاغي..


Slam Dunk

Slam Dunk 1993


Sakuragi Hanamichi is a junior high punk used to getting into fights and being rejected by girls but upon entering high school he meets the girl of his dreams, Haruko Akagi. He will do anything in order to win her heart including joining the school basketball team that is aiming to conquer the nation lead by Haruko's brother. The problem is that Sakuragi has never played basketball before and a freshman sensation is stealing the spotlight and Haruko's affection from him.


18 Again

18 Again 2020


At a difficult place in his marriage and career, a middle-aged man gets a shot at a do-over when he's transformed back into his 18-year-old body.


Big Shot

Big Shot 2021


After getting ousted from his job in the NCAA for throwing a chair at a referee, a hothead men’s basketball coach Marvyn Korn must take a job at Westbrook School for Girls, a private all-girls high school, in an effort to redeem what's left of his career and reputation.


Evening Shade

Evening Shade 1990


Evening Shade is an American sitcom television series that aired on CBS from 1990 to 1994. The series stars Burt Reynolds as Wood Newton, an ex-professional football player for the Pittsburgh Steelers, who returns to rural Evening Shade, Arkansas to coach a high school football team with a long losing streak. Reynolds personally requested to use the Steelers as his former team because he is a fan. The general theme of the show is the appeal of small town life. Episodes ended with a closing narration by Ossie Davis summing up the events of the episode, always closing with "... in a place called Evening Shade." The show's final episode saw the guest appearances of Willie Nelson and Buzz Aldrin as escaped convicts on the run from authorities, the final scene being a spectacular shoot-out reminiscent of the final scene of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The opening segment included clips from around Arkansas, including the famous McClard's Bar-be-que, which is situated on Albert Pike Blvd. and South Patterson St. in Hot Springs National Park.


My MVP Valentine

My MVP Valentine 2002


My MVP Valentine is a 2002 Taiwanese drama based loosely on 2 Japanese manga series: Slam Dunk and MVP wa Yuzurenai!. Starring Chinese Taipei basketball star Johnny Yen, it enjoyed huge success throughout Greater China and Southeast Asia. As a result, it is noted for skyrocketing Angela Chang, Chen Chiao-En and 5566 to fame.


Judo High

Judo High 2018


A story about a student who starts a judo club for the wrong reasons and has to keep it going when it blows up.



Rookies 2008


Koichi Kawato is the new Japanese Literature teacher at the ill-famed Futakotamagawa high school, whose baseball club is composed of thugs and bullies who have been suspended for a year from all school competitions, for causing a brawl during an official match. The newly appointed teacher finds that the club members left are only interested in women, smoking and doing nothing until, under Kawato's guidance, they discover their dream of going to the Koshien high school baseball tournament. However, the road to Koshien is far from easy as many obstacles await them.


Basketball or Nothing

Basketball or Nothing 2019


Follow the lives of the Chinle High basketball team in Arizona's Navajo Nation on a quest to win a state championship and bring pride to their isolated community.


Against the Grain

Against the Grain 1993


Insurance salesman Ed Clemons has just taken on the task of coaching the slumping high school football team of the small, but football-crazy town of Sumpter, Texas. He is given just one season to turn the fumbling teens around, and he throws himself into the job wholeheartedly. Though his methods ruffle the feathers of the quiet little town, he manages to make some real progress with the players. The show was inspired by Buzz Bissinger's book Friday Night Lights: A Town, A Team, and a Dream.


The Waverly Wonders

The Waverly Wonders 1978


The Waverly Wonders is a short-lived TV sitcom, starring retired pro football star Joe Namath, that lasted less than a month on NBC in 1978.