الكونغ فو باندا ٤

الكونغ فو باندا ٤ 2024


المغامرات الإضافية لبو واسع العينين في الصين القديمة ، الذي لا يضاهي حبه للكونغ فو سوى شهية لا تشبع.


كونغ فو باندا

كونغ فو باندا 2008


في وادي السلام، يجد (بو) الباندا نفسه قد اختير كمحارب التنين على الرغم من حقيقة أنه يعاني من السمنة والخمول، وكونه مبتدئ في فنون الدفاع عن النفس، ويحاول أن يثبت جدارته بهذا الاختيار أمام المعلم (شيفو) والغاضبين الخمسة.


رايا وآخر تنين

رايا وآخر تنين 2021


السعي لإنقاذ عالمها. منذ فترة طويلة ، في عالم كوماندرا الخيالي ، عاش البشر والتنانين معا في وئام. ولكن عندما هددت قوة شريرة الأرض ، ضحت التنانين بنفسها لإنقاذ البشرية. الآن ، بعد 500 عام ، عاد هذا الشر نفسه والأمر متروك لمحارب وحيد ، رايا ، لتعقب التنين الأخير الأسطوري لاستعادة الأرض الممزقة وشعبها المنقسم.


كل شيء في كل مكان في وقت واحد

كل شيء في كل مكان في وقت واحد 2022


تتورط مهاجرة صينية مسنة في مغامرة مجنونة، حينما تكتشف أنها وحدها من يستطيع إنقاذ العالم من خلال اكتشاف العوالم الأخرى الموازية لعالمها.


الماتريكس : إعادة تحميل

الماتريكس : إعادة تحميل 2003


يصبح (نيو) آخر آمال البشر، فهو الوحيد القادر على فعل المعجزات، ويحاول (نيو) أن ينقذ مدينة زيون التي سوف تقع قريبًا تحت حصار الآلات. يضع الجميع بقيادة (مورفيوس) ثقتهم الكاملة في (نيو)، ويعلقون عليه الآمال بإنهاء الحرب مع الآلات، لا سيما وهم مؤمنون بالنبوءة التي تتوقع نجاحه. يقرر (نيو) وحبيبته (ترينتي) مرافقة (مورفيوس) إلى الماتريكس لمحاولة الوصول إلى قلب النظام عن طريق صانع المفاتيح. في الوقت ذاته ينجو العميل (سميث) من الإلغاء، ويصبح أكثر قوة عن ذي قبل، ويضع نصب عينه هدفًا أساسيًا هو ملاحقة (نيو).



九龍城寨之圍城 2024


يتبع العمل قصة شاب مضطرب يُدعى (تشان لوك كوون) يدخل عن طريق الخطأ المدينة المُسورة، وسرعان ما يكتشف الفوضى هناك ويتعلم دروسًا هامة في الحياة.


Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 2003


قُتل قاتل من قبل صاحب عملها الذي لا يرحم ، بيل ، وأعضاء آخرون في دائرة الاغتيال - لكنها تعيش لتخطط للانتقام منها.


كونغ فو باندا 3

كونغ فو باندا 3 2016


بينما يزور "بو" ووالده قرية سرّية للباندا، تهدد روح شريرة بلاد "الصين" بكاملها وتدفع "بو" إلى تشكيل جيش غير منظم للمقاومة والقتال.


كونغ فو باندا 2

كونغ فو باندا 2 2011


استعد لعام الذهول ! يعيش بو الآن حلمه كمحارب التنين ، ويحمي وادي السلام جنبا إلى جنب مع أصدقائه وزملائه أساتذة الكونغ فو ، الخمسة الغاضبون - النمره و كركي و السرعوف و الافعي و القرد . لكن حياة بو الجديدة من الذهول مهددة بظهور شرير هائل ، يخطط لاستخدام سلاح سري لا يمكن إيقافه لغزو الصين وتدمير الكونغ فو. الأمر متروك لبو والخمسة الغاضبون للسفر عبر الصين لمواجهة هذا التهديد وقهره. ولكن كيف يمكن لبو أن يوقف سلاحا يمكنه إيقاف الكونغ فو؟ يجب أن ينظر إلى ماضيه ويكشف أسرار أصوله الغامضة. عندها فقط سيكون قادرا على إطلاق العنان للقوة التي يحتاجها للنجاح.


الماتريكس : الثورة

الماتريكس : الثورة 2003


يكتشف نيو (كيانو ريفز) أنه بطريقة ما قادر على استخدام قوته في العالم الحقيقي، وأن عقله باستطاعته التحرر من جسده؛ ولذلك يجد نفسه إذ فجاة محاصرًا في محطة قطار ما بين العالم الحقيقي والماتركس. في أثناء كل هذا تستعد زيون (ريني ناوفاهو) لحرب شعواء ضد الماكينات رغم صعوبة فوز زيون بتلك الحرب. وبين هذا وذاك لا يعلم كلا الطرفين أن هناك طرفًا ثالثًا يسعى للقضاء على العالم كله.


Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Kill Bill: Vol. 2 2004


تعود العروس (أوما ثورمان) لتستكمل رحلة انتقامها ضد رئيسها السابق (بيل)، وعصابته الذين حرموها من رضيعها. ترغب العروس في قتل كل أعضاء الفريق القاتل، والتي كانت يومًا ما واحدة من أعضائه، بالإضافة إلى بيل (ديفيد كارادين) الذي كان يومًا حبيبها.


طريق التنين

طريق التنين 1972


رجل يزور أقاربه في مطعمهم في إيطاليا وعليه أن يساعدهم في مواجهة رجال العصابات الوحشية الذين يضايقونهم.



英雄 2002


هزم رجل ثلاثة قتلة سعوا لقتل أقوى أمراء حرب في الصين الموحدة مسبقًا.


Juken Sentai Gekiranger

Juken Sentai Gekiranger 2007


Beast-Fist is a form of martial arts where the powers of a beast can be acquired by sensing the beast in their hearts. There are two relative schools of the Beast-Fist. One, the Beast-Fist of justice, Geki Juken Beast Arts. And one, the evil Beast-Fist of Rin Juken Akugata. The two schools of warriors learn and change in order to increase in power every day, as they are destined to clash.


The Legend of Bruce Lee

The Legend of Bruce Lee 2008


The story of the legendary martial arts icon Bruce Lee following him from Hong Kong to America and back again, leading up to his tragic death at the age of 32.


Jing-Ju Cats

Jing-Ju Cats 2015


Formally a paradise for all cats, the Cat Land Purpetua has been invaded and occupied by the dark lord AN, aided by his enslaved mutant monsters. The evil chaos reigns throughout the Purpetua and leads everything down to a wrong path. Only Jing-Ju Cats can overthrow An and resist the forces of evil chaos. A cat named LIL'PAI from the Clangour Town was once rescued by a Jing- Ju Cat at a very young age. He swore to be a great Jing-Ju Cat when he grows up. Once in a fight with monsters, he met the descendants of Jing- Ju Cats WU, ZAD and JEAN, and started to learn Kung Fu from their master Tang Ming and Granny GIN. The young LIL'PAI had neither blue blood nor outstanding talents. However, because of his amazing endeavor and the will of never giving up, he had succeeded through many trials and tribulations. LIL'PAI and his fellow Jing-Ju Cats rejoin forces to defeat the evil threat, reclaim their home and restore the peace in their land.


A Fist Within Four Walls

A Fist Within Four Walls 2016


Chor Au-kuen bears the grief of the loss of his family and returns to the walled city in hopes of finding his long lost sister, only to find out that the place he grew up in has become a lawless no man's land. Concealing his real identity, he creates a new identity and gets acquainted with a feisty hair salon lady boss, a dentist, and a common worker. To restore law and order in the walled city, Au-kuen unites everyone to form an association to collectively resist the villainous forces, but instead causes clashes between him and an underground fighting champion...


Cute Bodyguard

Cute Bodyguard 2022


Two people from seemingly two different worlds are brought together when an accident leads to Su Jingjing, a seemingly cute girl with supernatural ability getting hired as Gu Rong's bodyguard.


Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness 2011


Now living in his permanent home at the Jade Palace with the rest of the Furious Five, Po the Panda trains, battles, learns, teaches, stumbles, gabs and "geeks out" as the newest hero in the Valley of Peace.



Monkey 1978


Buddhist priest Tripitaka and his three disciples Monkey, Pigsy, and Sandy, travel from China to India to fetch the Buddhist scriptures. They have been sent by Buddha, and getting these scriptures will bring peace to the people of the world.


Shaolin King of Martial Arts

Shaolin King of Martial Arts 2002


Shaolin King of Martial Arts is a 2002 Chinese wuxia television series directed by Chang Hsin-yen, Liu Jiacheng, and Wu Chia-tai. It starred Wu Jing, Yaqi, Chunyu Shanshan, Gao Haiyan, Huang Yi, Yu Chenghui, Ji Chunhua, Yu Hai and Xu Xiangdong in the leading roles.


Kung Fu

Kung Fu 2021


A quarter-life crisis causes a young Chinese-American woman to drop out of college and go on a life-changing journey to an isolated monastery in China. But when she returns to find her hometown overrun with crime and corruption, she uses her martial arts skills and Shaolin values to protect her community and bring criminals to justice…all while searching for the assassin who killed her Shaolin mentor and is now targeting her.


Kung Fu: The Legend Continues

Kung Fu: The Legend Continues 1993


Like his legendary namesake, Kwai Chang Caine is a warrior monk, operating a Shaolin temple in Northern California. After an evil priest, Tan, destroys the temple, Caine and his young son, Peter each believe the other has perished. The two embark on very different paths -- Caine wanders the Earth, while Peter is a cop. When fate brings the two together, they work to overcome their differing philosophies to battle Tan, and then to help the innocent and bring justice to the new Wild West -- 90s urban America.


The Kung Fu Master

The Kung Fu Master 1994


The story is based on the historic martial art legend Hung Hei-gun (Donnie Yen) in the Qing dynasty. In the final stand Hung Hei-gun and Fong Sai-yuk (Nick Cheung) fight their way to defend the Shaolin Monastery against the invading army of the Qianlong emperor who was trying to get rid of oppositions. Qianlong was also afraid to reveal that he was not a true manchu.


Young Wong Fei Hung

Young Wong Fei Hung 1981


In order to eradicate the revolutionary chaotic party, Yuan Shikai sent people to design the murder of Huang Qiying and his wife, and his son Huang Feihong was falsely accused and imprisoned. Brother Bu Qingyun betrayed Shikai and was assassinated, and Fei Hong vowed to fight wits and strength with Shikai and others in order to help Qingyun avenge and fulfill his last wish.


My Kung Fu Girlfriend

My Kung Fu Girlfriend 2022


Huang Xiao Yu, the head of the martial arts Bo Wu sect, participates in martial arts competitions to revitalize the martial arts faction and one day accidentally becomes the female bodyguard of the popular actor Yuan Fan. Yuan Fan is perturbed by her as he always feels that Xiao Yu has two faces; how she acts at night vs the day are completely different. It turned out that when the popular martial arts game "New Douluo Continent" endorsed by Yuan Fan was shut down, NPC Bo Ye accidentally crossed the real world when chasing down the villain Nightmare and possessed Huang Xiao Yu. Now Xiao Yu and Yuan Fan are caught in a series of conspiracies...and they also discover that their fate has long been destined


Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny

Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny 2018


As the Dragon Master, Po has endured his fair share of epic challenges but nothing could prepare him for his greatest one yet-as a Kung Fu teacher to a group of rambunctious kids from Panda Village who have been imbued with a mysterious and powerful chi energy. Together they embark on amazing adventures, battle ferocious villains, and become legends!


Kung Fu Helden

Kung Fu Helden 2025


In addition to Astrid Coppens and Kevin Janssens, weather forecaster Sabine Hagedoren, Youtuber Arno The Kid, comedian Guga Baúl, radio voice Anke Buckinx, actor Jeroen Perceval and dancer Nora Monsecour will also take up the challenge. They have to live in the Yecheon Yongmunsa Temple for a total of eleven days, completely isolated from the outside world. For example, they do not have access to their mobile phones and reading a book is not allowed.



Heroes 2020


The Refornment Movement of 1898 resulted in the "Six Heroes" dying. Huo Yuan Jia, who was filled with patriotic enthusiasm, had been eager to participate; however, he fell into the enemy's trap and could only watch as the heroes of the country died. Not long after, China was invaded by the enemy. A year later, Huo Yuan Jia who was now living in ChangZhou took a stroll along the mountainside. Discouraged by his past and in fear of falling into the enemy's trap again, he decided to move to Shanghai. Huo Yuan Jia's following a reputation grew quickly. The Japanese (who had invaded China) grew worried and began to provoke Huo Yuan Jia. Huo Yuan Jia fearlessly charged into battle and finally defeated the enemy with his courageous actions.


Marvel's Iron Fist

Marvel's Iron Fist 2017


Danny Rand resurfaces 15 years after being presumed dead. Now, with the power of the Iron Fist, he seeks to reclaim his past and fulfill his destiny.


Chop Socky Chooks

Chop Socky Chooks 2008


A trio of kung fu fighting chickens live and work in a city-sized shopping mall owned by their archenemy, Dr. Wasabi.


Sudden Master

Sudden Master 2015


After her estranged father’s unexpected death, Alex Cheng unwillingly becomes the heir to his Martial Arts School. She is faced with the titanic task of defending her family’s legacy in an underground competition.