جاك ريتشر

جاك ريتشر 2012


تدور قصة الفيلم حول قناص محترف يقتل خمسة أشخاص بعد استخدامه لست طلقات، فتبدأ الشرطة في البحث عن الجاني، وتقبض على أحد الأشخاص الذي ينصحهم بالاستعانة بـ، الضابط السابق في القوات المسلحة، والذي يبدأ في التحقيق بالجريمة في إطار تشويقي غامض.


Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 2003


قُتل قاتل من قبل صاحب عملها الذي لا يرحم ، بيل ، وأعضاء آخرون في دائرة الاغتيال - لكنها تعيش لتخطط للانتقام منها.



Annihilation 2018


الخوف مما بداخله. يقوم عالم أحياء بالتسجيل في رحلة استكشافية سرية خطيرة إلى منطقة غامضة حيث لا تنطبق قوانين الطبيعة.


روكي ٢

روكي ٢ 1979


بعد القتال الكبير الذي أبداه (روكي) في مباراته أمام بطل العالم (أبوللو كريد)، والتي أثبت فيها وجوده كملاكم، يقرر أن يعتزل الملاكمة ويعيش في هدوء، وبالفعل يتم تعيينه في عمل بالمبيعات، ولكن سوء تصرفه في المواقف يتسبب في تركه لهذا العمل، مما يتسبب في مروره بضائقة مالية شديدة، خصوصًا مع استعداد زوجته لاستقبال مولودهم الجديد، في الوقت نفسه الذي يعيش فيه بطل العالم حالة من الغضب بسبب مباراته العصيبة أمام (روكي)، وكثرة المنتقدين له، وهو ما جعله يرغب في تنظيم مباراة ضخمة ضد (روكي) يستعيد فيها كرامته أمام مشجعيه ومنتقديه، وهو ما يوافق عليه (روكي) استجابة لحاجات أسرته المادية، بالرغم من تحذيرات الأطباء، فهل سيستطيع (روكي) في هذه المرة القتال بشكل ناجح؟.


The Iron Claw

The Iron Claw 2023


في إطار من الدراما والسيرة الذاتية، يدور العمل حول عائلة فون إريك، وكيف سطروا تاريخًا حافلًا في عالم المصارعة الاحترافية في فترة الثمنينات بالقرن العشرين.


If I Stay

If I Stay 2014


عش من أجل الحب. اعتقدت ميا هول ، عازفة التشيلو الشابة الموهوبة ، أن أصعب قرار سيتعين عليها اتخاذه على الإطلاق هو ما إذا كانت ستسعى لتحقيق أحلامها الموسيقية في جويليارد المرموقة أو تتبع قلبها لتكون مع حب حياتها ، آدم ، مغني الروك / عازف الجيتار. ومع ذلك ، فإن حطام السيارة يغير كل شيء في لحظة ، والآن حياة ميا معلقة في الميزان. تواجه ميا ، المعلقة بين الحياة والموت ، خيارا سيقرر مستقبلها.



الإيقاظ 1990


يستخدم الدكتور مالكولم ساير ، وهو طبيب أبحاث خجول ، عقارًا تجريبيًا لـ "إيقاظ" الضحايا الجامعيين لمرض نادر. ليونارد هو أول مريض يتلقى العلاج المثير للجدل. استيقاظه ، المليء بالرهبة والحماس ، يثبت لساير أيضًا ولادة جديدة ، حيث يكشف المريض الغزير ملذات الحياة البسيطة ولكن الحلوة بشكل لا يوصف للطبيب الانطوائي.


مجهول الهوية

مجهول الهوية 2011


يستيقظ الرجل من غيبوبة ليكتشف أن شخصًا ما قد انتزع هويته وأنه لا أحد (ولا حتى زوجته) يصدقه. بمساعدة امرأة شابة ، شرع في إثبات هويته.



نعناع 2018


يسرد الفيلم في قالب من التشويق قصة انتقامية حول امرأة شابة لم يعد لديها ما تخسره في حياتها؛ فتسعى بدأب أن تسترد من منافسيها حياتها التي سبق وسرقوها منها.


49 Days

49 Days 2011


After an accident shatters her storybook life, a comatose woman gets a second chance at life when a reaper from above intervenes, at a cost.


Still 17

Still 17 2018


Gong Woo-Jin is a 30-year-old single man and he works as a set designer. Due to a trauma he experienced 13 years ago, he does not want to have a relationship with others. When Woo Seo-Ri was 17, she fell into a coma. 13 years later, she wakes up from her coma. Her mental age is still that of a 17-year-old, but she is now 30-years-old. Gong Woo-Jin and Woo Seo-Ri get involved with each other and fall in love.



Tomorrow 2022


Once guiding the 'dead', now saving those who want to die! The Afterlife Office Human Fantasy.


Polseres vermelles

Polseres vermelles 2011


Polseres vermelles and Pulseras Rojas in Spanish, is a Catalan television show. The first season aired on TV3 in 2011, with a second season planned for 2013. The show was created by Albert Espinosa and draws on his childhood experiences as a hospital patient. Espinosa and director-producer Pau Freixas had previously worked together on the film Herois. The show tells the story of a group of Catalan children and teenagers who meet as patients in the children's wing of a hospital. Themes include friendship, the will to live, and the desire to overcome adversity. The show was originally planned for four seasons, with the second one premiering on January 2013. In October 2011, it was announced that Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks and Marta Kauffman had reached an agreement with TV3 for an American remake of Polseres Vermelles. The Spanish channel Antena 3 aired the first season, dubbed into Spanish as Pulseras rojas, in summer 2012. On 11 December 2012, TV3 announced 14 January 2013 as the premiere date for its second season. Antena 3 will premiere it dubbed later in 2013.



Coma 1981


Lee Ting-hong joins Guangji Hospital, where he meets the chairwoman's daughter, Xue Baoqi. They initially misunderstand each other but eventually become a couple. As they witness patients, and even acquaintances, die mysteriously, they investigate and discover that the events are related to the hospital's director, Tang Zhiyang, and the chief surgeon, Guo Weicheng.


The Last Cop

The Last Cop 2015


In 1985, when detective Kyogoku Kosuke (Karasawa Toshiaki) was hunting down some criminals, he suddenly found himself in the center of an explosion and ended up falling into a coma. In 2015, after 30 years Kosuke wakes up and has a lot to catch up, new values, technology, family, work, everything he has missed. Back to the Criminal Division, Kosuke and his new partner Ryota (Kubota Masataka) are entrusted with classified security data that aims to a terrorist group Schiesser.


Oh No! Here Comes Trouble

Oh No! Here Comes Trouble 2023


After a bus accident leaves high school student Yiyong in a coma for over a year, he awakens with his grandfather’s supernatural powers. His once ordinary life turns into a thrilling ghost-filled adventure alongside his school rival, Cao Guangyan, and rookie policewoman Chen Chuying.


Beautiful World

Beautiful World 2019


This drama tells the story of a boy who becomes critically injured due to an incident of school violence and his family who seeks the truth and fights for justice in his name.



Pluto 2024


Ai-oon is the disappointing twin of successful and beloved Ob-oom. They aren't close. On Ob-oom's wedding night, she takes Ai-oon aside and makes a request of her. Ob-oon and her husband Paul will be going away for their honeymoon and she'll be leaving something important behind: a lover, May, she hasn't broken up with—and she wants Ai-oon to do it for her. In the early morning following the wedding, Ai-oon learns that the newlyweds got into an accident. Paul has passed away and Ob-oom is in a coma. When Ai-oon decides to fullfil her sister's request, she's shocked to learn that May is both blind and a woman. She finds herself unprepared to complete the task.


Love of Replica

Love of Replica 2023


The eldest daughter of a rich family, Xu Xi Xi wakes up from a coma and realises she has lost her memory. She falls in love with her bodyguard Lu Jin Yan at first sight. She learns from Ding Bei Fan that she is not really Xu Xi Xi, but in fact she is An Yue, someone who looks the same as Xi Xi. An Yue discovers more amazing secrets in the process of investigating the truth, while Lu Jin Yan, as a bodyguard, also has a hidden agenda.


Closer to You

Closer to You 2020


A surgeon suddenly returns to eighteen years ago and meets his classmate Han Fei, and helps her put down her guard and untie the knot in her heart.


Yuri or Another

Yuri or Another 2019


Sinohara Yuri (Fumika Baba) is a young female college student who has been troubled by a dangerous stalker who won’t leave her alone.



Falco 2018


A policeman with a promising future and a young family must rebuild his life in 2018 after he wakes up from a 24-year coma after being shot in the line of duty.


While I Was Away

While I Was Away 2019


Monica Grossi wakes up after four months from a coma without remembering anything about the last eight years of her life. With the help of Stefano, brother of her alleged lover, who died in mysterious circumstances, she tries to reconstruct her past step by step to understand if she is really the woman that everyone remembers.


Life on Mars

Life on Mars 2018


While investigating a serial murder case, Detective Han Tae Joo gets into a catastrophic incident. When he wakes up, he finds himself transported back to 1988, appointed to work at a police station in a small city. Believing he is there for a reason, he tries to solve the case from the past in hopes of finding a way back to his life in 2018.


Two Worlds of Love

Two Worlds of Love 2014


Drama about a girl that becomes a spirit after ending up in a car crash, trying to find a way back to become a human again with the help of the detective. Naamrin, a bratty and hi-so girl is about to marry her fiance, Popetorn, whom she grew up with because her mother, Thara raised him since he was a little boy. However, after trying on her wedding dress, she is challenged to a road race that escalates to a road rage, resulting in the death of both drivers. Yeeo is a police officer that happened to be bicycling pass the scene and hears the call on his police radio. He gets to the scene and watches paramedics pull out road rival from the nearby lake. He then meets the Naam's spirit, who doesn't know that she's dead. Yeeo picks up a necklace that parted from her during the wreck and tucks it into his pocket. Since then, Naam's spirit becomes attached to Yeeo and he is the only one that can see her. She believes that Yeeo is the only one that can help her.



Diary 2018


Miyata Ayaka (Renbutsu Misako), an office worker, sees her world collapse around her when her mother Miyata Harumi (Kikuchi Momoko) collapses due to illness and is left in a coma because of it. She then discovers that her mother kept a secret diary that she writes with her high school friends and that the lies she has told her have become evident, with nothing to lose. Ayaka will travel to Kaga, in Ishikawa Prefecture, her mother's hometown, to try to clarify the truth of the lie in her mother's secret diary.