فورست غامب 1994
لقد أنجز رجل ذو معدل ذكاء منخفض أشياء عظيمة في حياته وكان حاضرا خلال أحداث تاريخية مهمة - في كل حالة ، يتجاوز بكثير ما يتخيل أي شخص أنه يمكن أن يفعله. ولكن على الرغم من كل ما حققه ، فإن حبه الحقيقي الوحيد يراوغه.
لقد أنجز رجل ذو معدل ذكاء منخفض أشياء عظيمة في حياته وكان حاضرا خلال أحداث تاريخية مهمة - في كل حالة ، يتجاوز بكثير ما يتخيل أي شخص أنه يمكن أن يفعله. ولكن على الرغم من كل ما حققه ، فإن حبه الحقيقي الوحيد يراوغه.
القصة الحقيقية لكريستوفر جاردنر الذي يُحاوِلُ بشتّى الطرق توفير سُبُل الراحة لأسرته الصغيرة، وبعد أن تَهجره زوجَته بسبب الفقر يُقرّر أن يتعلم مهنة جديدة ليحصل منها على المال الكافي ليؤمّن حياةً كريمةً لِعائلته.
بعد تاريخ أعمى سيئ ، يجد رجل وامرأة نفسيهما عالقين معًا في منتجع للعائلات ، حيث تنمو عوامل الجذب الخاصة بهما حيث يستفيد أطفالهما من العلاقة المزدهرة.
تكتشف صوفي بعد قراءتها لمذكرات والدتها بأنها لم تعلم من هو والدها الحقيقي من بين أصدقاء والدتها وأحبائها القدمى، وبما أن صوفي تستعد لعرسها، تضطر صوفي لدعوة جميع أحباء والدتها لتحاول التعرف على والدها الحقيقي من بينهما، ولكن تحدث الفوضي بمجرد رؤية والدتها لهم، لتصاب بعصبية لوضعها في ذلك الموقف الحرج، كما يغضب حبيب صوفي من تصرفاتها الغريبة في ليلة زفافهما.
مدينة نيويورك. يجد ملفين أودال ، وهو كاتب غريب الأطوار ومتعصب وسواس قهريًا ، حياته مقلوبة رأسًا على عقب عندما يدخل الفنان المثلي المجاور سيمون إلى المستشفى ويُعهد بكلبه إلى ملفين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يتعين على كارول ، النادلة الوحيدة التي ستتحمله ، ترك العمل لرعاية ابنها المريض ، مما يجعل من المستحيل على ملفين تناول وجبة الإفطار.
أم (في سيارتها الصغيرة) لا تتوقف عند أي شيء لاستعادة ابنها المختطف.
تعيش يون يونغ البالغة من العمر 19 عامًا بمفردها مع والدتها وتستعد لامتحان الخدمة المدنية أثناء عملها بدوام جزئي. إنها تريد الذهاب إلى المدرسة مثل صديقاتها ، لكنها تعطي الأولوية لامتحانها واجتيازه في أسرع وقت ممكن من أجل والدتها التي تعاني من ضعف السمع. بغض النظر عن القلب الطيب والإرادة الصادقة ، فإن حوادث غير متوقعة تحول يون يونغ من ضحية إلى قاتلة ، يقودها إلى السجن ويُدعى النزيل "2037" بدلاً من "يون يونغ".
تتلقى امرأة مسنة مكالمة هاتفية غير متوقعة في دعوة لزيارة المنزل الريفي الذي كانت تعيش فيه وهي طفلة، فتسترجع هناك ذكريات طفل يتيم كانت تعرفه قبل 47 عامًا في ذلك المنزل.
في هذه المغامرة المتحركة، يُسَلِّط السنجاب "ألڤين" الضوء على المستذئبين. بعد أن طارده كابوس مخيف، أصبح مقتنعًا أن جاره الغامض، "السيد تابوت"، يخفي سرًا وحشيًا. بينما كان هو وأخوه "سيمون" يحققان في الأمر، يكتشف الأخ الخجول "ثيودور"، الذي تم اختياره على مضض للمشاركة في إنتاج المدرسة لـ "دكتور جيكل والسيد هايد"، الوحش الداخلي بعد أن تعرض لهجوم من كلب غريب.
Chicagoan Frank Gallagher is the proud single dad of six smart, industrious, independent kids, who without him would be... perhaps better off. When Frank's not at the bar spending what little money they have, he's passed out on the floor. But the kids have found ways to grow up in spite of him. They may not be like any family you know, but they make no apologies for being exactly who they are.
After 14 years devoid of romance, a struggling movie producer and single mom faces the unexpected arrival of 4 men into her life—an author, an actor, a CEO, and a younger man—who might just revive her dormant desire for love.
Yasu's mother passed away when he was very young and his father abandoned him. Yasu's wife, Misako, also lost both her parents when she was young. The two spend their days in happiness, watching their young son, Akira, grow up. Unfortunately, a freakish accident occurs that results in Misako sacrificing her life to protect her son. Yasu loses himself in grief and remorse, but recovers as he vows to raise his 3 year-old son as best as possible.
Louis C.K. stars as a fictionalized version of himself; a comedian and newly divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.
A poor, widowed woman desperate to support her 7-year-old daughter and a wealthy business executive with a sick mother enter into a contract marriage.
Sam Fox is a single, working actor with no filter trying to raise her three daughters – Max, Frankie and Duke – in Los Angeles. She is mom, dad, referee and the cops.
Shinichiro Hanasaki, a former detective with the police department, is currently engaged in running a nursery called “Smiling Garden.” He wishes to help poorer families and single parents by offering very low fees for childcare, but this leaves the nursery struggling financially. To replenish the budget, Shinichiro decides to open a private detective agency at night.
The heartwarming yet uncomfortable relationship between three adult siblings: one in the 1%, one middle-class and one barely holding on.
Dutch remake of the Danish show Rita. Tessa is a single mom and high school teacher. Her students love having her as a teacher, but the adults think she's a piece of work.
A group of single parents lean on each other to help raise their 7-year-old kids and maintain some kind of personal lives outside of parenthood.
Having a hard time making ends meet after her divorce, Millicent Torkelson moves her three children to Seattle, where she becomes the nanny to the spoiled Morgan children.
Perfect Son is comedy-drama television series co-starring Ryosuke Yamada and Kyōka Suzuki, which aired on NTV from 21:00-21:54 on Saturday nights from 14 January 2012 to 17 March 2012. The screenplay was written by Shinji Nojima.
Back in his high school years, Kazama Masamune had a girlfriend four years his senior, who one day left to go study abroad. Now, six years later, Kazama hears that his girlfriend has passed away, and that she had secretly given birth to their daughter, who is now five years old. Kazama then decides to raise his daughter on his own.
Jennifer Doyle who must move back in with her own mom after being let go from her high-powered, six-figure salary job. With her teenage daughter in tow, Jennifer has to face her new life and figure out what the next steps are to rebuild.
I Hate My Teenage Daughter is an American sitcom that ran on Fox from November 30, 2011 to March 20, 2012. It aired at the 9:30 pm /8:30 pm timeslot after The X Factor. The series stars Jaime Pressly and Katie Finneran. On May 10, 2012, Fox canceled the series. The six remaining episodes subsequently aired in Australia and New Zealand.
Devoted to becoming an international lawyer, Ayukawa Wakaba is full of ambition. Her hard work pays off when she lands a job at an international law firm, but to her disappointment, the first prestigious assignment that is given to her is to babysit the boss' 5 year old daughter, Hinata. Wakaba loathes kids and nursing, but unwillingly takes on the job as she is fixated on wealth and success. One day when she goes to a preschool to pick up Hinata, she meets a man named Yamada Sota. Sota is a man without higher education, wealth, or a future goal, someone that Wakaba absolutely cannot stand, the complete opposite of her ideals. Once again, contrary to her will, she ends up looking after Hinata and a few other kids along with Sota. Despite being exhausted from all the first-time experiences in child care, Wakaba begins to realize what is truly important to her.
A young girl named Hye-Na is abused by her mother, Ja-Young. Although she is not okay, she tells other people she is alright. Soo-Jin is a temporary teacher at the elementary school where Hye-Na attends. Soo-Jin is aware of her situation and decides to become her mother.
The story is the emotional and traumatic journey of Parveen un Nisa, a woman living in a post modernist society, where individuals are valued on the basis of their skills and their socio-economic achievements.
In this show hosted by Étienne Boulay, single parents determined to find love go on a dream cruise with their children. During the trip, every participant has to live experiences with various candidates. At the end of the adventure, they have to choose only one, and they’ll get to confirm their love in a villa in Quebec.
Yaichi (Ryuta Sato) is a single father and he raises his elementary school aged daughter alone. One day, a foreign man named Mike (Baruto Kaito) visits him. Yaichi has an identical twin brother Ryoji, but Ryoji moved to Canada years ago. They have disconnected since that time. Mike introduces himself as the husband of Ryoji. They are a married gay couple. Yaichi is confused and doesn't know how to deal with Mike.