Loving Vincent

Loving Vincent 2017


في يوم السابع والعشرين من شهر يوليو عام ١٨٩٠ نزل جسد هزيل متعثرًا إلى شارع يغلب عليه النعاس وقت الشفق، في البلدة الريفية الفرنسية الصغيرة (أوفير). كان الرجل لا يحمل معه شيئًا؛ وكانت يداه تعانقان جرح حديث نتج عن ضربة بالرصاص، ينزف من بطنه. ذلك الرجل كان (فينسنت فان جوخ).






The Van Gogh Legacy

The Van Gogh Legacy 2013


The Duch painter Vincent Van Gogh grew up in the family of a stern Calvinist country pastor, feeling a misunderstood misfit, obsessed by painting, while his elder brother Theo left for Brussels, later Paris, and became an art dealer. Vincent tried an alternative career as missionary to the Catlolic Walloon mineworkers in the Ardennes but returns, broke and failed again. Later he'll move in with Theo in Paris, but can't fit in business or society. Vincent heads for frustration and health drama. His heir, a Dutch railway engineer, later visits those places while deciding whether to sell the family paintings collection to invest in the super-fast railroad.