صياد المدينة

صياد المدينة 2024


بشيء من التردد، يتحالف المحقق الخاص "ريو سايبا"، القنّاص الاستثنائي العاشق للملذات إلى حد ميؤوس منه، مع شقيقة شريكه الراحل للتحقيق في وفاته.


فيلم مونونوكي: شبح المطر

فيلم مونونوكي: شبح المطر 2024


داخل حجرات "الحرملك" في "إيدو"، تكشف وافدتان جديدتان عن مؤامرة سياسية وأجواء تنافسية وروح ساعية للانتقام لا يستطيع التغلب عليها سوى بائع أدوية متجول.


سوبر دراقون بول: برولي

سوبر دراقون بول: برولي 2018


الأرض الآن سلمية بعد بطولة الطاقة. ادرك قوكو بأن الأكوان لا تزال تحتفظ بعدد كبير من الأشخاص الأقوياء حتى الآن، فإن قوكو يقضي كل أيامه في التدريب للوصول إلى مستويات أعلى.


مغامرة الديجيمون 02: البداية

مغامرة الديجيمون 02: البداية 2023


“أنا أول شخص على الإطلاق يصبح شريكا للديجيمون“ سيتم الآن الكشف عن السر وراء ولادة “ديجي ديزايند” (المختارين الرقميين)! إنه عام 2012، عشر سنوات بعد المغامرات بين “أودايبا” وعالم الديجيتال. بينما انطلقوا في طرقهم الخاصة، إلا أن “دايسكي” وبقية الـ”ديجي ديزايند” وشركاؤهم ديجيمون ما زالوا مرتبطين بنفس الرابط. ثم في يوم ما، ظهرت بيضة رقمية عملاقة فجأة في السماء فوق برج طوكيو، مُرسِلة رِسالة إلى العالم. “عسى أن يكون لكل شخص في العالم أصدقاء، عسى أن يكون لكل منهم ديجيمون“ وبينما العالم يُشاهد، يظهر شاب يُدعى “أووادا روي” أمام “دايسكي” وأصدقائه ومعه “ديجي فايس” متصدع.


Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna 2020


قصة فيلم Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna تبدأ بعد 5 سنوات من سلسلة “Digimon Adventure tri”. “تايتشي” الآن طالب جامعي جاد ويعيش بمفرده، ولكنه لم يقرر مستقبله بعد. وفي الوقت نفسه، يواصل “ياماتو” والآخرون العمل على حوادث وأنشطة الـ“ديجيمونات”. تحدث ظاهرة غير مسبوقة ويكتشفون أنه عندما تكبر، ستقترب علاقتك مع شريكك الـ“ديجيمون” من نهايتها. يشتغل موقت العد التنازلي على الـ“ديجي فايس”، ليدركون أنه كلما قاتلت مع شريكك، كلما كانت اقتربت نهايتة علاقتها معا بشكل أسرع. والأن، هل سيختارون القتال من أجل الأخرين مقابل فقدان شركائهم؟ عليهم اتخاد قرارهم بسرعة، فهناك وقت قصير فقط قبل أن يصبح “الأطفال المختارون” بالغين. ومع ظهور “ديجمون” قوي يسمى “ايوسمون” يقوم بسلب وعي “الأطفال المختارين”. هذه هي المغامرة الأخيرة لـ “تايتشي” رفقة “اجومون”.



Kite 2014



لواء الذئاب

لواء الذئاب 2018


في عام 2029، تواجه وحدة "لواء الذئاب" من الشرطة الخاصة جماعة إرهابية تناهض إعادة توحيد الكوريتين، ولكن قد يكون هناك عدو آخر يتربص في الجوار.



Robotech 1985


Robotech is an 85-episode adaptation of three different anime television series made between 1982-1984 in Japan; the adaptation was aired in 1985. Within the combined and edited story, Robotechnology refers to the scientific advances discovered in an alien starship that crashed on a South Pacific island. With this technology, Earth developed giant robotic machines or mecha to fight three successive extraterrestrial invasions.


Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 2016


U.C. 0096. Three years after Char's rebellion, Banagher Links, a boy living at the manufacturing colony Industrial 7, meets a mysterious girl who calls herself Audrey Burne. Audrey claims that she is trying to stop the Vist Foundation from handing over Laplace's Box to the Neo Zeon remnants known as the Sleeves, an act which could spark another war, and Banagher decides to help her. But the colony becomes a battlefield as fighting breaks out between the Sleeves and the Earth Federation Forces, who have also come to stop the handover... The seven-episode OVA series, re-edited into a TV series with new opening and ending sequences.


Sally the Witch 2

Sally the Witch 2 1989


Sally, the princess of the land of magic, comes down to earth against her father's will.


Voltron: Legendary Defender

Voltron: Legendary Defender 2016


Five unlikely teenage heroes and their flying robot lions unite to form the megapowerful Voltron and defend the universe from evil.


Battle of the Planets

Battle of the Planets 1978


G-Force, a five-member superhero team, fights to defend Earth and its space colonies from the threat of the planet Spectra.



Yatterman 2008


2008 revival of Yatterman.


The Legend of Qin

The Legend of Qin 2015


Based off the very popular CGI animation series Qin's Moon, comes an adaptation from Tangren.


Tranzor Z

Tranzor Z 1985


Teenager Tommy pilots the amazing super-robot Tranzor Z to avenge its inventor (his grandfather) against the evil mad scientist Doctor Demon.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters

Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters 2006


Yugi, Joey, Téa, Tristan, and Yugi's grandfather Solomon are pulled into a world where Duel Monsters are real. They find monster capsules that they can use to summon monsters. However, in this strange new world, they battle monsters and when their own monsters are attacked, they feel the pain.


Dirty Pair 2

Dirty Pair 2 1987


Set in the future Kei and Yuri are Trouble Consultants for The 3WA. Code Named "Lovely Angels", but, they are known throughout the galaxy as The Dirty Pair. They always solve their case, but, not without causing collateral damage and mayhem.


Gatchaman Crowds

Gatchaman Crowds 2013


Tachikawa, Japan, is a "second metropolis" of Tokyo, protected by the Gatchaman, warriors who fight in special reinforced suits powered by the manifestation of their spiritual powers called NOTE. When the energetic and cheerful Hajime Ichinose becomes their newest member, the Gatchaman must deal with Berg Katze, an enigmatic alien creature bent on destroying Earth just like it did with several other planets in the past.


Voltron: The Third Dimension

Voltron: The Third Dimension 1998


When the evil Prince Lotor escapes from prison and forms an alliance with Witch Haggar to create monstrous new Robeasts to threaten the galaxy, it's up to the Voltron Force to once again defend the universe





THE IDOLM@STER.KR, set in the world of Korean entertainment production, stars Korean idols of course, as well as other Japanese and Thai hopefuls. Like the original game, the drama follows a group of young women as they embark on a career in the entertainment industry, and depicts their sweat and tears, their hopes and dreams.


Gaiking: Legend of Daiku-Maryu

Gaiking: Legend of Daiku-Maryu 2005


Gaiking: Legend of Daikuu-Maryuu is a Super Robot mecha anime series produced by Toei Animation. It was a reimagining of the original series created by Go Nagai, and was aired in TV Asahi from November 12, 2005 to September 24, 2006, lasting a total of 39 episodes. It originally replaced Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo in its timeslot.


Voltes V: Legacy

Voltes V: Legacy 2023


Voltes V: Legacy follows the story of three brothers, Steve, Big Bert, and Little Jon Armstrong, and their friends Jamie Robinson and Mark Gordon, as they fight the forces of humanoid aliens known as Boazanians who plans to invade the earth and launch their beast fighters all over the world.


Casshern Sins

Casshern Sins 2008


After the murder of Luna, the robot society that rules the planet starts to rust and decay. Death and despair spread through the land like wildfire. The only one unaffected by the affliction that becomes known as "The Ruin" is Luna's assassin, Casshern. Unable to remember if he really triggered this capital sin against the entire mechanized civilization, Casshern embarks on a journey to unravel the mystery that connects him, Luna, and the plague.


One Piece Characters Log

One Piece Characters Log 2016


One Piece Characters Log is a series of recap episodes for the One Piece anime, made to commemorate the release of One Piece Film: Gold. The episodes recap the stories of each of the nine Straw Hat Pirates until the Dressrosa Arc, and are narrated by Bartolomeo. Each episode is around 30 minutes. Originally airing weekly on television from June 19 to September 11, 2016, the episodes were also released on four DVDs