
كريد 2015


بطل العالم السابق للوزن الثقيل روكي بالبوا هو بمثابة مدرب ومرشد لأدونيس جونسون ، ابن صديقه ومنافسه المتوفي أبولو كريد.


كريد الموسم الثالث

كريد الموسم الثالث 2023


تدور الأحداث في إطار درامي، ويعد هذا الجزء هو الثالث من سلسلة أفلام (كريد) التي تتناول حياة بطل الملاكمة (أدونيس كريد) ومبارياته الملهمة.


كريد 2

كريد 2 2018


حياة أدونيس كريد داخل الحلبة وخارجها حيث يتعامل مع الشهرة الجديدة، والمشاكل العائلية، وسعيه المستمر ليصبح بطلاً.



روكي 1976


(روكي) شاب لا يملك من المواهب سوى قدرته على الملاكمة، وتستغله العصابات في هذا المجال، يحب (روكي) فتاة تدعى (إدريان) وهى تشبهه في نقائه وبراءته، بعد ذلك يُعلن بطل العالم في الملاكمة عن عودته للملاعب مع خصم جديد غير معروف، و يقع الاختيار على (روكي) الذي يبذل كل جهده لمصارعته ﻷنها فرصة عمره المنتظرة.



Southpaw 2015


بيلي "The Great" Hope ، بطل الملاكمة للوزن المتوسط ، لديه مسيرة رائعة ، زوجة وابنة محبة ، وأسلوب حياة مترف. ومع ذلك ، عندما تقع المأساة ، وصل بيلي إلى الحضيض ، وفقد عائلته ومنزله ومديره. سرعان ما يجد منقذًا غير متوقع في تيك ويليس ، وهو مقاتل سابق يدرب أقوى الملاكمين الهواة في المدينة. مع مستقبله على المحك ، يكافح Hope لاستعادة ثقة من يحبهم أكثر.


روكي ٤

روكي ٤ 1985


بعد أن قتل الرجل الحديدي دراغو ، وهو رياضي سوفيتي يبلغ طوله 6 أقدام و 5 و 261 رطلاً ، أبولو كريد في مباراة استعراضية ، يأتي روكي إلى قلب روسيا ليخوض 15 جولة انتقامية من الملاكمة.


روكي بالبوا

روكي بالبوا 2006


يعود الملاكم الشهير (روكي) مجددًا، لكن هذه المرة يظهر ملاكمًا متقاعدًا، ويستمتع بحياة مستقرة وسط محبيه الذين يتذكرون بطولاته وأيامه المجيدة، لكن هذا لا يطول كثيرًا حينما يقرر (روكي) خوض معركته النهائية أمام بطل الوزن الثقيل (ماسون) من أجل الحصول على لقب أعظم ملاكم في التاريخ.


بلا منازع

بلا منازع 2002


تنقلب حياة شامبرز رأسًا على عقب عندما يتم اتهامه بالاغتصاب ويذهب إلى السجن. عندما يصل إلى السجن، يسمع عن مونرو هاتشن بطل السجن في الملاكمة لمدة عشر سنوات.يرغب شامبرز في توضيح الأمور منذ البداية وأنه لن يكون أبدًا في المركز الثاني، ويؤدي ذلك للعديد من المشاكل. يقرر زميلهم المُدان إيمانويل أن يستغل ذلك التوتر في جني بعض المال، فينظم مباراةَ ملاكمةٍ بين الاثنين لتحديد البطل الحقيقي.


روكي ٣

روكي ٣ 1982


بعد سيطرته على لقب العالم، يصبح (روكي) و(أبولو) صديقين مقربين، وعندما يهزم (روكي) من قبل منافسه الوحشي (لانج)، والذي تسبب بدون قصد في وفاة مدرب (روكي)، يصبح (روكي) محبط ويائس، فيقوم (أبولو) بتشجيعه، كما يصبح مدربًا له، لإعادة تأهيله من أجل استعادة روحه القتالية، والفوز على (لانج).


جورج فورمان الكبير

جورج فورمان الكبير 2023


يتناول العمل السيرة الذاتية للملاكم جورج فورمان، ورحلته الملحمية في البطولات والأولمبياد والمحافل الدولية، والتي استطاع خلالها تحقيق العديد من الإنجازات الكبيرة في مجاله.


The Fighter

The Fighter 2010


كل حلم يستحق فرصة قتال. طريق الملاكم "الأيرلندي" ميكي وارد غير المحتمل إلى لقب العالم لوزن الوسط الخفيف. كان صعوده الشبيه بجبال روكي برعاية الأخ غير الشقيق ديكي ، الملاكم الذي تحول إلى مدرب انتعش في الحياة بعد أن كاد أن يتعرض للمخدرات والجريمة.


روكي ٢

روكي ٢ 1979


بعد القتال الكبير الذي أبداه (روكي) في مباراته أمام بطل العالم (أبوللو كريد)، والتي أثبت فيها وجوده كملاكم، يقرر أن يعتزل الملاكمة ويعيش في هدوء، وبالفعل يتم تعيينه في عمل بالمبيعات، ولكن سوء تصرفه في المواقف يتسبب في تركه لهذا العمل، مما يتسبب في مروره بضائقة مالية شديدة، خصوصًا مع استعداد زوجته لاستقبال مولودهم الجديد، في الوقت نفسه الذي يعيش فيه بطل العالم حالة من الغضب بسبب مباراته العصيبة أمام (روكي)، وكثرة المنتقدين له، وهو ما جعله يرغب في تنظيم مباراة ضخمة ضد (روكي) يستعيد فيها كرامته أمام مشجعيه ومنتقديه، وهو ما يوافق عليه (روكي) استجابة لحاجات أسرته المادية، بالرغم من تحذيرات الأطباء، فهل سيستطيع (روكي) في هذه المرة القتال بشكل ناجح؟.


The Survivor

The Survivor 2022


هاري هافت هو ملاكم قاتل زملائه السجناء في معسكرات الاعتقال من أجل البقاء. مسكون بالذكريات وذنبه ، يحاول استخدام معارك رفيعة المستوى ضد أساطير الملاكمة مثل روكي مارسيانو كوسيلة للعثور على حبه الأول مرة أخرى.


روكي ٥

روكي ٥ 1990


يترك (روكي) الملاكمة علي مضض بعدما لحقت به إصابه بالغة في رأسه على الحلبة من قبل الملاكم الروسي (إيفان دراغو)، تاركاً معه عالم الثاء ليعود إلى الفقر، ويعمل مع تلميذ جديد يدعى (تومي غان) ويقوم بتدريبه ليصبح بطلا من جديد، ولكن الإعلام يقوم بتلقيب (تومى) بفتى (روكى) مما يوقع الضغينة والمشاكل بينهما ، الأمر الذى يؤدى إلي أن يتحداه (تومى) .


Fighting Spirit

Fighting Spirit 2000


Makunouchi Ippo is an ordinary high school student in Japan. Since he spends most of his time away from school helping his mother run the family business, he doesn't get to enjoy his younger years like most teenagers. Always a target for bullying at school (the family fishing business grants him a distinct odor), Ippo's life is one of hardship. One of these after-school bullying sessions turns Ippo's life around for the better, as he is saved by a boxer named Takamura. He decides to follow in Takamura's footsteps and train to become a boxer, giving his life direction and purpose. Ippo's path to perfecting his pugilistic prowess is just beginning...


Tomorrow's Joe

Tomorrow's Joe 1970


Joe Yabuki is a troubled youth, whose only solution to problems is throwing punches at them. What he lacks in manners and discipline, he makes up for with his self-taught fighting skills. One day, while wandering the slums of Doya, Joe gets into a fight with the local gang. Although greatly outnumbered, he effortlessly defeats them, drawing the attention of Danpei Tange—a former boxing coach turned alcoholic. Seeing his potential, he offers to train Joe into Japan's greatest boxer. At first, Joe dismisses Danpei as a hopeless drunk; but after the trainer saves his life, he agrees to live with him and learn the art of boxing. Unfortunately, Joe's personality makes him an unruly student, and he often falls back to his old ways. To survive the harsh world of his new career, Joe needs to trust his mentor and master the techniques taught to him. However, the road to becoming a professional boxer is rife with struggles that will test his mettle to the end.





A boxer named Mignon, and a vampire doctor Young-on Oh, who find solace in the presence of one another through an aggressive and romantic affair.



Bloodhounds 2023


Two young boxers band together with a benevolent moneylender to take down a ruthless loan shark who preys on the financially desperate.


To Be With You

To Be With You 2019


Lin Meiya is on a plane returning home from her studies abroad when she encounters Ou Yang due to a misunderstanding. She had planned to get married upon her return but is unexpectedly met with her boyfriend's cold betrayal. Learning to stand up and move on from heartbreak, she finds employment at Ou Yang's company. As they spend time together, their relationship deepens beyond simple friendship, and they learn to rely on each other through difficult times.


Countdown: Paul vs. Tyson

Countdown: Paul vs. Tyson 2024


Go inside Jake Paul and Mike Tyson's training camps and personal lives as they prepare for their must-see heavyweight boxing match live on Nov. 15.


Ring Ni Kakero

Ring Ni Kakero 2004


Kiku and Ryuji take over their late father’s ambition of becoming a boxing champion. As his sister trains him, Ryuji progresses physically and mentally and he finally meets his destined rival, Jun.


Do Your Best Genki

Do Your Best Genki 1980


Do Your Best Genki is a sports manga by Yū Koyama about Horiguchi Genki, a boy who is raised by a single father, and who wants to be a boxer like him. It was adapted as an anime television series by Toei Animation. The manga received the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen in 1977.





A desolate land stretches out from the city of poverty. A motorcycle speeds recklessly, blowing clouds of sand and dust. The rider is the protagonist of this story – he has neither a name nor a past. All he has is his ring name, “Junk Dog” and a technique for rigging MEGALOBOX matches with his pal Gansaku Nanbu, which they use to support their hand-to-mouth lives. JD is bored, resigned, and unfulfilled. Yuri has been the reigning champion of MEGALOBOX for the past few years. He has the skills and presence of a true champion. This is a story of JD and his rival, Yuri.


Sweet Combat

Sweet Combat 2018


As the eldest daughter of the Fang Conglomerate, Fang Yu was raised to become the sole successor of the company, yet she goes against her family's objections to pursue boxing and won the championship title at the young age of 18. On the other hand, Ming Tian comes from a poor family. He once stopped schooling for three years in order to work and he decided to apply for a sports scholarship despite not having any background whatsoever. Fang Yu was one of the first to see his talents and their relationship grows over time.


My Lovely Boxer

My Lovely Boxer 2023


Vanished genius boxer Kwon-sook and cold-hearted agent Tae-young risk all to defy match-fixing's clutches.



Mike 2022


Explore the wild, tragic and controversial life and career of heavyweight champion Mike Tyson - one of the most polarizing figures in sports culture.


Rope a Dope

Rope a Dope 2022


Ouyang Jun, a Hong Kong professional boxer, has set an unprecedented record in Hong Kong professional boxing, and his popularity has never been better. Personality is not good at chatting, stubborn hard work, never give up easily. A few years ago, because his brother Ouyang was running away from home to avoid debts, Jun took refuge in his brother's friend Lu Jian in the King Boxing boxing gym. Since then, the boxing gym has become Ouyang Jun's second home. In the boxing gym, he met his friend trainer Li Chengdong and Jiang Xiuxian, a girl from the neighborhood laundry. Ouyang Jun made up his mind to become the Asian boxing champion due to the teaching and sudden retirement of the big brother Yuan Tianjiu in the boxing gym, hoping to bring glory to the boxing gym.


Antique Bakery

Antique Bakery 2008


Antique Bakery is a manga by Fumi Yoshinaga depicting the lives of four men who work in a small bakery. It was published in Japan by Shinshokan and in English by Digital Manga Publishing. The series won the 2002 Kodansha Manga Award for shōjo manga. The manga was adapted as a Japanese TV drama, with the title Antique or Antique Cake Store, that was broadcast on Fuji TV in 2001, an anime TV series, airing on July 3, 2008 on noitaminA, and a Korean live-action movie.


One-Pound Gospel

One-Pound Gospel 2008


Hatanaka Kosaku is a talented boxer who turned pro at the age of 19, winning his debut match with a first round KO. He is talented, but he has no guts. His uncontrollable appetite is an even bigger problem. He can't put himself in the right weight class, he runs out of energy because of hunger, and he gets knocked out while his eyes are set on food at the ringside. However, Kosaku's life changed when he met Sister Angela, a novice nun in the convent near his boxing gym. She became the source of his power, and Kosaku fights only to win her heart.


Naguru Onna

Naguru Onna 1998


Fired by the company she works at, and desperate for a new job, accountant Yoshimura Kaoru finds herself taking a job at Paradise Gym - a boxing gym. Through a series of events she ends up becoming the trainer of an old boxer Sawada Ryohei, trying to make something of himself after quitting his well paying job. Although she hates the sport, she finds herself attached to this rude, obnoxious man and they journey forth together to find where it is they both belong.


Ten Count to the Future

Ten Count to the Future 2022


When Kirisawa Shogo was a high school student, he was a brilliant amateur boxer. He won 4 boxing tournaments and he seemed to have a bright future in the sport. During his university student days, he quit the sport of boxing. Life went on for Kirisawa Shogo. But, after his beloved wife died, his life has now become a total mess. He doesn't have any hope or desire to live. He just spends his days working part-time jobs to make a living. One day, his friend asks him to coach the boxing team at the high school where they attended. Kirisawa Shogo accepts the coaching position. Being around the young boxers, who work extremely hard, Kirisawa Shogo begins to feel alive once again.


Monzón: A Knockout Blow

Monzón: A Knockout Blow 2019


The story about Argentinian boxer Carlos Monzón in his career and life in prison.