حفلة نقانق 2016
فيلم رسومي في إطار كوميدي مشوق، تدور أحداثه حول واحدة من النقانق التي يُحيّرها تفكيرها حول مسألة وجودها وكيف وُجدَت، فتشرع في البحث عن الإجابة لتكتشف حقيقة وجودها.
فيلم رسومي في إطار كوميدي مشوق، تدور أحداثه حول واحدة من النقانق التي يُحيّرها تفكيرها حول مسألة وجودها وكيف وُجدَت، فتشرع في البحث عن الإجابة لتكتشف حقيقة وجودها.
القصة البطولية لديكتاتور يخاطر بحياته ليضمن أن الديمقراطية لن تأتي أبدًا إلى البلد الذي اضطهده بمحبة.
يواجه رئيس طاقم من الأخشاب المتاعب مشكلة عندما يتدخل لحماية أصغر عضو في فريقه من الأب المسيء.
Still Open All Hours is a sitcom set in a grocer's shop. It is a sequel to the series Open All Hours, written by original series writer Roy Clarke and featuring several of the permanent cast members of the original series
Leslie Pool returns to his native Ohio to run the Green & Grains grocery store he has just inherited from his father. Seeking to undermine Green & Grains is Leslie's arch nemesis, Amy, who manages the Super Value Mart down the street. He has known her since high school, where she was the popular beauty queen and he, a nerd.
Kawin is still stuck with the past memory related to Cho because when they were young, Kawin accidentally mentioned that the career that Cho would like to pursue – 7-11 staff – sucked. Because of these words, Cho was extremely angry, and didn’t talk to him ever again. Kawin decided to apologize to him, but found out that Cho had already moved. 11 years later, Cho had achieved his dream of becoming a 7-11 staff. He moved back to work at the branch in his hometown area. Cho met Kawin, who's working as a motorbike taxi. Kawin tried to apologize to Cho for what happened in the past, but Cho pretended that he never knew him before and even criticized that Kawin's career was worse than his.
Filmed with exclusive access across the course of a year, this series takes viewers behind the scenes at M&S as they strive to retain their place in the nations hearts as Britain’s favourite retailer.