One Minute of Darkness Does Not Blind Us

One Minute of Darkness Does Not Blind Us 1976


This documentary deals with the coup d'état of general Pinochet in Chile 1975 and its immediate aftermath: the harsh repression of left-wing intellectuals, artist and workers.



100 1971


Push-ups to the rhythm of a metronome, a meter counting backward from 100; three words are shouted time and again: “dog – pig – monkey”.


The Iron Fortress

The Iron Fortress 1977


Weeks after the victory in Vietnam, first pictures of a new humanity are captured: old and sick people preparing for their future, children on their way to school.


The President in Exile

The President in Exile 1969


The President Dr. Walter Becher, officially the spokesman for the Sudeten German Homeland Association, called out the old flags, as he does every year.


Der springende Punkt

Der springende Punkt 1987


Archive footage of bomb detonations during the Second World War combined with abstract graphic elements which show the destructive potential of modern nuclear missiles. Together the images are a silent warning of armament and war.


The Man Without a Past

The Man Without a Past 1970


Horst Rudolf Überlacker is a young lawyer at the beginning of a promising career. At the end of the Second World War he was nine years old, but his present statements can be considered "agitation threatening peace". The Spokesman of the Sudeten German Association, Dr. Becher lauds "the young political talent" who performs the generational change from old Fascists to neo-Nazis.


Entrance Free

Entrance Free 1976


Rustic weapons, centuries old traps; wreckage of U.S. bombers, a perforated “bulletproof” vest are exposed in the museums of Hanoi. “The neglected free visit to the Hanoi museums cost the American people 56,369 killed people and 146 billion dollars.”


Bye-Bye Wheelus

Bye-Bye Wheelus 1971


Wheelus Air Base was once the largest American air base outside the USA itself. Ordered to be cleared by June 30th, 1970 by Libya’s Revolutionary Command Council.


I Was, I Am, I Will Be

I Was, I Am, I Will Be 1974


In the spring of 1974, a camera team from Studio H&S succeeded against the explicit orders of the Junta’s Chancellery, entered into two large concentration camps in the north of the country - Chacabuco and Pisagua - leaving with filmed sequences and sound recordings.


The Dead Are Not Silent

The Dead Are Not Silent 1978


Moy de Tohá and Isabel Letelier tell their story. They are the widows of two Defence Ministers of the Unidad Popular, who knew too much.


Psalm 18

Psalm 18 1974


A service is ordered by the Junta in praise of the Junta. The Cardinal, forced to utter Benedictions, resorts to words for all those who suffer and pray, that they may be freed and consoled. The profaners have to content themselves with psalm 18: “They cried unto the Lord, but he answered them not.”


At the Ditch

At the Ditch 1978


My Lai ten years after the massacre. Reconstruction of the crime at the place where it was committed; tracing the trail of squad leader Calley in the USA; description of what happened by people who were believed to be dead.


Kampuchea: Death and Resurrection

Kampuchea: Death and Resurrection 1980


The scenes filmed during spring 1979 in Kampuchea/Cambodia are part of history: a metropolis left to rampant nature, skull heaps, destroyed faces and cultural landscapes. The reports of the survivors – farmers, states men, teachers and former soldiers - are moving and harrowing.


Walter Hunger - A German Résumé

Walter Hunger - A German Résumé 1991


Portrait of the industrialist Walter Hunger from Frankenberg in Saxony. He left the German Democratic Republic in 1958 with his family and closest colleagues to build up one the most significant hydraulics enterprises in the Federal Republic of Germany.


Meier's Legacy

Meier's Legacy 1975


An auction in Munich, 1974, old man with crockery and knick-knacks labelled "Former property of Hermann Göring": relics of Nazism sold to the benefit of the post-war state: the west criticised by the east.


Die fernen Freunde nah

Die fernen Freunde nah 1979


Report on a trip of Vietnamese guests to the GDR to attend the premiere of the documentary film „The Iron Fortress“ about the history of the Vietnam War.


The White Coup

The White Coup 1975


At the parliamentary elections that the Unidad Popular won, there were activities to overthrow Salvador Allende. By a white, supposedly clean coup, the rightwing powers of Chile tried unsuccessfully to gain a two thirds majority in the national congress. Months later, the armed, violent coup took place.


The War of the Mummies

The War of the Mummies 1974


The country is portrayed before and after the storm of the military to the government palace “La Moneda” when Salvador Allende is killed and the directors discover the implications of American companies that were involved in the political developments.


I Sincerely Repent

I Sincerely Repent 1977


Interviews with former generals of the South Vietnamese Army in the Quang Trung re-education camp, shortly after the end of the Vietnam War.