The Butterfly from Ural 2008
A praised war hero leaves his wife and finds a new love from Ural.
A praised war hero leaves his wife and finds a new love from Ural.
A farmer finds out that a wolf's bite has turned him into a voracious beast. Worse still, his only son seems to have swapped brains with one of his sheep.
In a remote East European town, the evening bells can’t hide the cry of a hungry baby. His father, a street-musician named Baro, is also having a bad day. The social worker is blaming him on being a miserable parent, but Baro refuses to obey the advice of the worker: he definitely won’t put his little one into the BabyBox.
The year is 1936, and shoemakers in a Finnish industrial town are sending shoes to Spain as humanitarian aid. Young Arvo wants to do more, so he joins as a volunteer in the International Brigades and disappears.
The second part of the Kafka trilogy. In the evening, the fluffy bookmaker arrives at his home, in the elevator engine room, and finds an immense, humming egg on his table.
Once upon a time, there lived an old matador in Barcelona, an unemployed and bitter man. The bullfights were forbidden, the arenas converted into shopping malls. In the end, the forgotten heroes earned their bread only by posing for Russian tourists.
The Song of the Gallows is based on a medieval, seventeenth-century story about a magic violin that saves the life of a Roma man from the gallows. The Polish princess Katarina Jagellonica arrives in Finland in order to get married to Duke Juhana; after listening to the Romani musician playing his instrument she agrees to his request that all the gallows should be torn down in the country to save the Roma from execution.
Mire bala kale hin, (which means the girl with the long black hair in Romanes) was the first TV programme ever produced as a childrens program about the Roma minority in Czech Republic. It is a co-production between Finnish/ Czech/Netherlands television. The story is about a Roma girl, who is told Roma stories, legends, dreams, fairy-tales and true stories. Beside the Czech and Finnish also an english version had been produced.