José Ramón Larraz Clawing! A Journey Through the Spanish Horror Love Letters of a Nun Queridos monstruos Stigma The National Mummy The Coming of Sin Vampyres Emma, Dark Doors Deviation Deviation Deviation Juana la Loca… de vez en cuando Whirlpool Whirlpool ...And Give Us Our Daily Sex ...And Give Us Our Daily Sex Rest in Pieces Edge of the Axe Black Candles Black Candles Madame Olga's Pupils Madame Olga's Pupils Stigma Stigma The House That Vanished Night of the Scorpion Watch Out Gringo! Sabata Will Return Symptoms Deadly Manor Viento del pueblo: Miguel Hernández Death Uncertain Deadly Manor Luto Riguroso Luto Riguroso The Coming of Sin Emma, Dark Doors La ocasión La ocasión Symptoms The Golden Lady El fin de la inocencia The Voyeur Magic Powder Magic Powder El fin de la inocencia The Voyeur Vampyres Vampyres Sevilla Connection Vampyres Death Uncertain Eurotika! Eurotika! Eurotika!