Marshall Efron THX 1138 Robots Home on the Range Fluppy Dogs The Smurfs: Baby's First Christmas Funnyman City Island The First Time Bald: The Making of 'THX 1138' The Black Box Murders Baby Blue Marine Why Me? Bad Manners Spalding Gray's Map of L.A. The Faking of the President Dynamite Chicken Much Ado About Nothing Doc Pound The Elephant Rob the Mob Talking Walls Ice Age: The Meltdown Is There Sex After Death? The Big Bang Marie and Bruce The Road to Wellville The Ten-Year Lunch Sticky My Fingers ... Fleet My Feet A Piece of Eden Horton Hears a Who! June Moon The Catcher Bang the Drum Slowly Twice Upon a Time California Dreaming Flapjack Floozie Blade Cafe Society Family Dog The Richest Cat in the World Spalding Gray's Map of L.A. Sitcom: The Adventures of Garry Marshall The Biskitts Kidd Video Amazing Stories Saturday Night Live The Great American Dream Machine Great Performances