Kong Lung Once Upon a Time in China and America Young Rock Ultimate Fights from the Movies Bruce Lee: The Man and the Legend The Brilliant Life of Bruce Lee Man from Interpol Phantom of the Jade Chamber A Night of Thrills The Ghost Chasers Bitter Fear The Story of a Discharged Prisoner Mitra The Window Teddy Girls Hiroshima 28 Pei Shih Crime of Passion in the Hotel A Virtuous Girl from a Humble House Superfights Black Mask The Wesley's Mysterious File Guns of Dragon The Tragedy of Nine Lives Legacy Love Massacre The Call Girls Winter Love The Fairy, the Ghost & Ah Chung 999: The Mysterious Body Shanghai Blues Don't Kill Me, Brother! Laugh In Nina Skyline Cruisers Mimi-Private Eye Happy Sixteen Death to the Killer The Story of a Discharged Prisoner Mitra The Window Teddy Girls Teddy Girls Hiroshima 28 Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Pei Shih Love Massacre Hiroshima 28 Hiroshima 28 The Window The Call Girls The Call Girls Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow The Story of a Discharged Prisoner Prince of Broadcasters My Beloved Laugh In Nina Prince of Broadcasters The Fairy, the Ghost & Ah Chung Pei Shih The Fairy, the Ghost & Ah Chung The Fairy, the Ghost & Ah Chung Hooker’s World