Fulvio Lucisano Alberto il grande Aspromonte: Land of The Forgotten Mario Bava: Operazione paura Mad Dog Aladdin Mafia Junction The Night Child The Wax Mask Annie Rome, the Other Face of Violence Death, Deceit & Destiny Aboard the Orient Express The Perfect Dinner Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs Women Vs Men Escort in Love Down the Ancient Stairs Men Vs Women Gunman Called Nebraska Falla girare - The Last Joint Il... Belpaese The Nymph The Berlin Affair Arrivano i bersaglieri I due Crociati Snowball Banzai Il destino ha 4 zampe A Boy from Calabria Young Toscanini Catherine and I Goya in Bordeaux Do You See Me? Pane, burro e marmellata Theft in the Evening, a Big Coup Hopefully Fried Crumbed Brains A Freaking Wedding! Spy in Your Eye La tua vita per mio figlio L'estate sta finendo Memories of Anne Frank La mia vita a stelle e strisce The Night Before the Exams Today Reckless Romanzo radicale Camorra (A Story of Streets, Women and Crime) Il tassinaro Fantozzi The Return Il caso Enzo Tortora - Dove eravamo rimasti? A Fairy Tale Wedding Luigi Proietti detto Gigi Riuscirà l'avvocato Franco Benenato a sconfiggere il suo acerrimo nemico il pretore Ciccio De Ingras? I'm Starting from Three Il Ras del quartiere Fantozzi 2000 - The Cloning Warriors Five L'imbranato Taste of Life I Don't Speak English Ex 2: Still Friends Family Flaw Loving Only You Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra The Inquiry Everyone Wants It With Closed Eyes The Great Pumpkin The Last Will Be the Last Sweet Kisses and Languid Caresses The Legendary Giulia and Other Miracles Out of the Blue Il segreto del giaguaro Planet of the Vampires Questa notte è ancora nostra Se mi lasci non vale Cattiva Coscienza The Paramedic I migliori giorni I peggiori giorni Tramite amicizia Ex What Have You Done to Solange? Il casinista Christmas Dinner What’s the Big Deal Ignorance Is Bliss Women in Arms Sue Me Processo a Stalin L'anno prossimo... vado a letto alle dieci Non aver paura Concrete Romance War Italian Style War Italian Style Viva l'Italia Three Tigers Against Three Tigers Le faremo tanto male We Need to Talk Agata e Ulisse La casa di famiglia High stakes - A night in the ward Falla girare 2 - Offline Il premio It Happens in the Best of Families Before the Night Ma chi ti conosce? Wacky Heroes None Like Us The Glass Sphinx Dreamfools The Night Before the Exams High Adventure All You Need is Crime Ritorno al crimine The Night of the Sharks Teste di quoio Golden Men Mollami 7 Hours to Win Your Heart Answer Me Just Believe Breaking Up in Rome A Taxi Driver in New York The Final Inquiry The Killer Wore Yellow Shoes What Have You Done to Solange? Help! My In-Laws Are Vampires! On a Moonlit Night Two Crosses in Danger Pass Sea Wolf: The Pirate's Curse Happily Mixed Up I Am Not What I Am - The Tragedy of Othello by W. Shakespeare C’era una volta il crimine Power of Rome L'amore e altre seghe mentali Fuori la verità ...Scusi, ma lei le paga le tasse? A Liar in Paradise At the edge of the city Four of the Thundering Jet Sexy Magico Primitive Love Il fidanzamento Uno scandalo perbene Diary of a Maniac Us in the U.S. Love in First Class