Roy Boulting Sellers' Best The Man Who Ruined the British Film Industry Empire of the Censors Tell England Mr. Forbush and the Penguins Seven Days to Noon I'm All Right Jack Brighton Rock Carlton-Browne of the F.O. Carlton-Browne of the F.O. There's a Girl in My Soup Heavens Above! Sailor of the King Soft Beds, Hard Battles Run for the Sun Run for the Sun Seven Days to Noon The Family Way Carlton-Browne of the F.O. Twisted Nerve Twisted Nerve Private's Progress Consider Your Verdict High Treason High Treason Suspect Suspect A French Mistress Brothers in Law Brothers in Law Brothers in Law Seagulls Over Sorrento Seagulls Over Sorrento Burma Victory Josephine and Men The Kingfisher Caper The Guinea Pig Pastor Hall Pastor Hall Inquest Heavens Above! Happy Is the Bride Happy Is the Bride Rotten to the Core The Guinea Pig Naples Is a Battlefield Fame Is the Spur Thunder Rock The Dawn Guard The Dawn Guard Lucky Jim Soft Beds, Hard Battles Soft Beds, Hard Battles Thunder Rock The Last Word Tunisian Victory Design for Murder Design for Murder Seven Days to Noon Seven Days to Noon Desert Victory Inquest Suspect Rotten to the Core The Family Way Five Came Back: The Reference Films