Ingrid Caven Shadow of Angels Gods of the Plague Day of the Idiots In a Year with 13 Moons Mother Küsters Goes to Heaven Silent Night My Little Loves Fear of Fear My Favorite Season The Satin Spider I Don’t Just Want You to Love Me Tenderness of the Wolves Rio das Mortes The Coffee House Ludwig – Requiem for a Virgin King Here’s Looking at You, Boy Nea The Ancestress Die wilden Fünfziger Love Is Colder Than Death The Merchant of Four Seasons The Niklashausen Journey Satan’s Brew Off Season Why Does Herr R. Run Amok? 1 Berlin-Harlem The American Soldier Yearning for Sodom Tonight or Never La Paloma Der Mond is nur a nackerte Kugel Joan's Dream Today We're Playing Boss Haytabo Dirty Daughters oder Die Hure und der Hurensohn Time Regained Fox and His Friends Martha Playing with Fire Fassbinder Produces: Film No. 8 Ingrid Caven at Pigall's Frühstück in Rom Violanta Sleeping Beauty Devil's Paradise 35 Shots of Rum Ingrid Caven: Music and Voice Suspiria The Death of Maria Malibran Gold Flakes Looping The Portuguese Woman Adele Spitzeder Weitertanzen Petite intrusion dans l’univers incandescent de Werner Schroeter In Memoriam Daniel Schmid Werner Schroeter Malou Mondo Lux: The Visual Worlds of Werner Schroeter I Only Want You to Love Me Daniel Schmid: Le Chat Qui Pense Deepfrozen Despair The Merchant of Four Seasons Die Montagsmaler Krimistunde Bio’s Bahnhof Deutscher Filmpreis Square Champs-Elysées World on a Wire