Francis Veber Pierre Richard, l'art du déséquilibre A Pain in the Ass Pierre Richard... en mode Veber À la recherche de... Pierre Richard Call Me Mathilde Gaumont, en effeuillant la marguerite Hothead The ComDads The ComDads My Father the Hero La Cage aux Folles The Fugitives The Fugitives The Return of the Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe The Return of the Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe The Valet The Closet Three Fugitives Three Fugitives Ruby & Quentin Ruby & Quentin A Pain in the Ass La Cage aux Folles II La Cage aux Folles II Fathers' Day The Dinner Game The Dinner Game A Pain in the Ass There Once Was a Cop The Bottom Line La Chèvre La Chèvre Jaguar The Magnificent One Partners The Closet Out on a Limb The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe Buddy Buddy The Valet The Pink Telephone The Pink Telephone The Man with One Red Shoe Terminus Terminus The New Toy Ghost with Driver The Toy Hold-up The Night Caller The Valet Man in the Trunk Jaguar A Pain in the Ass A Pain in the Ass The ComDads Bheja Fry The French Detective El sopar dels idiotes A Pain in the Ass Call Me Mathilde Partners Cher Trésor The Birdcage Dinner for Schmucks Cause toujours... tu m'intéresses Dinner for Schmucks Three Fugitives Hold-up The Toy Cher Trésor Le Placard Le Placard Le Placard Agence Interim Les Rendez-vous du dimanche Spécial cinéma Cadet Rousselle Champs-Elysées Vivement dimanche