Gastone Moschin The Godfather Part II My Friends A Woman at Her Window La compagna di viaggio The Specialists My Friends Act II My Friends Act III The Conformist A Thorn in the Heart The Godfather 1901–1959: The Complete Epic Caliber 9 Wifemistress Roaring Years The Assassination of Matteotti The Sensual Man The Birds, the Bees and the Italians Porzûs Magnum Cop Emergency Squad Du mou dans la gâchette The Visitor How Long Is the Adventure Seasons of Our Love Roma bene Donne con le gonne The Joy of Living Seven Times Seven Love in Four Dimensions The Reunion Italian Secret Service Gentlemen of the Night Stanza 17-17 palazzo delle tasse, ufficio imposte Seven Golden Men Seven Golden Men Strike Again Il successo Dismissed on His Wedding Night Where Are You Going All Naked? Ninì Tirabusciò: The Woman Who Invented the Move We Free Kings The Sicilian Checkmate The Rival My Father Monsignor Adolfo Celi, a Man for Two Worlds Erotomania La moglie giapponese Spy in Your Eye The Scapegoat Fiorina the Cow 100 Horsemen The Betrothed Top Crack Si salvi chi vuole The Oldest Profession The Queens A Joke of Destiny, Lying in Wait Around the Corner Like a Street Bandit Pigeon Shoot Mr. Superinvisible The Fantastic Tales of Edgar Allan Poe The Harem Lion of the Desert Rimini, Rimini: A Year Later Don Camillo and the Contestants Il Giardino dei Ciliegi Fiasco in Milan Night Police Station Diamonds Are a Man's Best Friend Cause of Divorce Sex Can Be Difficult Extraconiugale Incensurato, provata disonestà, carriera assicurata cercasi I Don't See, You Don't Speak, He Doesn't Hear The Voyage Into the Whirlpool Has Begun The Weekend Murders Amor es... veneno, Carlota Pájaros de ciudad Night Is Made for Stealing Non chiamarmi Omar Les Ritals Operazione Vega Uova fatali Il mulino del Po Father Matteo Sei forte, maestro L'avvocato delle donne Mario Puzo's The Godfather: The Complete Novel for Television