Ernst Lubitsch The Pride of the Firm From Caligari to Hitler Mr. Broadway Sumurun Robert and Bertram Where Is My Treasure? The Miracle Miss Bellboy Hitler: A Career The Firm Gets Married Der Blusenkönig When Four Do the Same Pinkus's Shoe Palace Hans Trutz in the Land of Milk and Honey The Rosentopf Case Ninotchka The Eternal Jew A Venetian Night How I Was Murdered Sugar and Cinnamon Blind Cow The New Nose A Trip on the Ice The Last Suit The Bodybuilder The Mixed Ladies Chorus His Only Patient The Tenor, Inc. Miss Soapsuds The Most Beautiful Gift Prinz Sami The Toboggan Cavalier Meyer from Berlin Käsekönig Holländer The Ideal Wife Doctor Satanson Arme Maria 100 Years of the UFA Das Mirakel Trouble in Paradise To Be or Not to Be Trouble in Paradise To Be or Not to Be Ninotchka The Shop Around the Corner To Be or Not to Be The Smiling Lieutenant The Smiling Lieutenant Bluebeard's Eighth Wife The Eyes of the Mummy One Hour with You One Hour with You The Merry Widow That Uncertain Feeling Madame DuBarry I Don't Want to Be a Man The Merry Jail The Doll The Doll I Don't Want to Be a Man So This Is Paris The Oyster Princess The Oyster Princess Heaven Can Wait Cluny Brown The Love Parade The Patriot Anna Boleyn The Wildcat Sumurun The Wildcat The Loves of Pharaoh Broken Lullaby A Royal Scandal Design for Living The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg The Marriage Circle Monte Carlo Monte Carlo If I Had a Million Lady Windermere's Fan Paramount on Parade Eternal Love The Last Command That Lady in Ermine Carmen Meyer from Berlin Kohlhiesel's Daughters Rosita Where Is My Treasure? Where Is My Treasure? Romeo and Juliet in the Snow Romeo and Juliet in the Snow Three Women Three Women Forbidden Paradise Angel Bluebeard's Eighth Wife When Four Do the Same Die Flamme Desire That Lady in Ermine Lady Windermere's Fan The Marriage Circle Kiss Me Again Dragonwyck Pinkus's Shoe Palace Der Blusenkönig Ossis Tagebuch The Rosentopf Case The Bodybuilder Angel Cluny Brown The Merry Jail Design for Living The Merry Widow Broken Lullaby The Shop Around the Corner The Patriot The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg The Patriot Heaven Can Wait A Royal Scandal Ninotchka Miss Soapsuds A Trip on the Ice The New Nose Blind Cow Blind Cow The New Nose A Trip on the Ice Miss Soapsuds Sugar and Cinnamon The Last Suit The Most Beautiful Gift Sugar and Cinnamon The Bodybuilder Sugar and Cinnamon The Mixed Ladies Chorus The Most Beautiful Gift The Tenor, Inc. His Only Patient Prinz Sami Prinz Sami The Swabian Maiden The Ballet Girl Käsekönig Holländer Käsekönig Holländer The Rosentopf Case Fuhrmann Henschel The Toboggan Cavalier The Toboggan Cavalier Intoxication My Wife, the Movie Star My Wife, the Movie Star Kohlhiesel's Daughters The Honeymoon Express The Housing Shortage The Housing Shortage Der Blusenkönig Ossis Tagebuch When Four Do the Same Sumurun The Clerk The Clerk The Vagabond King That Uncertain Feeling The Smiling Lieutenant If I Had a Million If I Had a Million Screen Tests for Faust A Letter to Freddy Buache