Pino Donaggio Der Klang des Tötens Die Welt der Barbaren Dario Argento: Master of Horror Don't Look Now: Death in Venice Raising Pino Viale della canzone Dario Argento: My Cinema Canzoni a tempo di Twist Don't Look Now Appointment with Death Seed of Chucky Dressed to Kill The Howling La banda Body Double China 9, Liberty 37 Don Camillo Home Movies Blow Out Carrie Piranha Troublemakers The Black Cat The Hole The Black Cat Soul Mate At a Glance Our Land Phantom of Death Raising Cain Two Evil Eyes Haunts Il caso Moro Winter in Wartime Crawlspace High Frequency Passion Un uomo perbene Catacombs Once Upon a Time in Sicily Never Talk to Strangers Guido, Who Challenged the Red Brigades Hotel Colonial Nach uns die Sintflut Desideria Die Stunden vor Morgengrauen The Adventures of Hercules The Berlin Affair Gor Going Bananas Outlaw of Gor Before the Sunset Piovuto dal cielo Death in the Vatican Patrick Tourist Trap Segreto di Stato Cheeky Rescuers: Stories of Courage - Two Couples Smiling Maniacs Slashing 'Dressed to Kill' Dressed to Kill: An Appreciation by Keith Gordon Attention Up at the Villa The Lady Hercules A Whisper in the Dark Meridian Over the Brooklyn Bridge Fuga con Marlene Die Welt der Barbaren New York Crossing Nothing Left to Do But Cry Jenatsch The Order Gunslinger's Revenge 7 Kilos in 7 Days Damned in Venice Spin Me Round Marching in Darkness Palermo – Milan One Way Milan – Palermo: The Return Concorso di colpa Killer Couple The Great Rage Arcane Sorcerer Festival Jiboa The Gamble Skin Deep My Name Is Thomas Anemos Do You Like Hitchcock? Acting 'Carrie' Visualizing 'Carrie' La Strada Dritta Dirty War Night Game Oblivion Oblivion 2: Backlash The Old Man in the Rocking Chair Where I've Never Lived The Hole Where Are You? I’m Here Il giorno del giudizio Power and Lovers The Fifth Missile Indio Indio 2 - The Revolt Beyond the Door Domino A Demon in My View The Barbarians Unknown Soldier The Possessed Hand Trauma The Fan Anxiety The Making of 'Dressed to Kill' Tex Un eroe borghese The Last Fashion Show The Game Bag The Bankers of God: The Calvi Affair Dancers The Big Step Zelly & Me Savage Dawn Giovanni Falcone Squillo Beyond Evil Operazione Odissea Déjà Vu Street of Mirrors Antonio, guerriero di Dio Beasts of Prey Nothing Underneath All Ladies Do It The Sect Cronaca nera Venezia, carnevale, un amore Ordeal by Innocence The Devils of Monza Kansas Ritual of Love A Fine Romance I'll Leave It All Behind Me Improvvisamente a Natale mi sposo Improvised Christmas Mare di grano Pontormo - Un amore eretico Sulla spiaggia e di là dal molo Terra bruciata Il tesoro di Damasco La terza luna Frivolous Lola