Hans de Weers Antonia's Line New Kids Turbo Dik Trom Alexander Stricken Mindhunters Ochtendzwemmers The Marathon Nova Zembla The Dinner Mariken The Letter for the King Man in Suit The Stowaway The Surprise Happy End Diary of a Times Square Thief Daylight The 18.10 Train Mrs. Dalloway The Moving True Story of a Woman Ahead of Her Time Jackie Scratches in the Table The Happy Housewife Mates A Perfect Match House of America Duska Erik or the Small Book of Insects MissiePoo16 My Best Friend Anne Frank Due piccoli italiani Hotel de Grote L Meisjes in de Grote Stad Don De Overloper Polleke Messi and Maud Banking the Unbanked The Book of Everything Seeing Through The Last Island