Valeria Sarmiento Dialogues of the Exiles Voyage of a Hand Klimt Lines of Wellington Love Torn in a Dream Amelia Lópes O'Neill Amelia Lópes O'Neill Amelia Lópes O'Neill The Solitudes Traces Traces Tous les nuages sont des horloges A Place Among the Living A Dream as in Colours Secrets Guns Elle Lines of Wellington Savage Souls Voyage of a Hand A Man, When He Is a Man Notre mariage Planet of the Children On Top of the Whale Three Crowns of the Sailor City of Pirates The Blind Owl That Day Brise-Glace: Histoires de glace Brise-glace Dialogues of the Exiles The Wandering Soap Opera The Territory Notre mariage Treasure Island Rosa la China Dog's Dialogue Boucherie fine The Black Book Night Across the Street A Closed Book The Lost Domain Genealogies of a Crime The Suspended Vocation Nucingen House Dialogues of the Exiles Origins of a Meal Ocaña: An Intermittent Portrait The Film to Come La Recta Provincia Of Great Events and Ordinary People L'Inconnu de Strasbourg L'Inconnu de Strasbourg Les Minutes d'un faiseur de film Sotelo A Man, When He Is a Man Socialist Realism The Clandestine Journey: Lives of Saints and Sinners L'Autel de l'amitié Detrás de la lluvia Detrás de la lluvia The Wandering Soap Opera Elle The Tango of the Widower and Its Distorting Mirror The Expropriation La Femme au foyer La Femme au foyer Les transplantés The One-Eyed Man La Femme au foyer Dans un miroir Utopia: The Scattered Body and the World Upside Down Wind Water Secrets The Tango of the Widower and Its Distorting Mirror Derrière le Mur