Juan Fernández Bad Education Sex and Lucía The Heart of the Earth Infiesto Box 507 Distopia Alone Suspicious Minds God's Forgotten Town Tánger Words with Gods Bliss Robbery at 3 O'clock… and Half Hic Digitur Dei Diario de un skin Fausto 5.0 The Tip of the Iceberg Chapapote... o no Ozzy A Love to Keep Jugar a matar Heart of the Warrior El refugio del mal In the Country of Last Things A Dead Man Cannot Live The Legend of El Cid Paco's Men Montecristo R.I.S Científica 7 días al desnudo Victor Ros Tierra de lobos The End of the Road Memento Mori Money Heist The Marquis Un lugar en el mundo La sopa boba Inés of My Soul El rey